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11-02-2006, 12:12 AM
Frequently Asked Questions About Cleaning Communication Portals

What is a 'Communication Portal'? (http://www.cleaningdesign.com/customerarea/what-is-a-communication-portal.html)
Cleaning Communication Portals are a Technologically Up To Date version of classic 'Communication Books' or 'Logs' left in closets or on the client contact's desk by cleaning and janitorial companies. http://www.cleaningportals.com/images/more-info.gif (http://www.cleaningportals.com/what-is-a-communication-portal.html)


How Do You Use Electronic Log Books? (http://www.communicationportals.com/portal/index.php/topic,14.0.html)
You use them just as you would a communication book left at your cleaning account.

If you can type an email you can use a communication portal.

By using permission based options you allow only the people who are supposed to see specific areas or information to have access.

Communication Portals can be used for everything from daily communication to employee recruiting (http://www.cleaningportals.com/job-postings.html), article publication (http://www.cleaningportals.com/cleaning-articles.html), work ticket archiving and distribution (http://www.cleaningportals.com/cleaning-work-tickets.html), internal communication, MSDS storage and printing (http://www.cleaningportals.com/msds-on-your-website.html), newsletter publication (http://www.cleaningportals.com/cleaning-newsletters.html), and more. http://www.cleaningportals.com/images/more-info.gif (http://www.communicationportals.com/portal/index.php/topic,14.0.html)


Will I Own The Software? (http://www.communicationportals.com/portal/index.php/topic,15.0.html)
This software will be licensed to you however we are not selling it to you. The charges from Cleaning Portals are for the set up and administration of your portal. What you are paying for is the service of installation and labor associated with that. http://www.cleaningportals.com/images/more-info.gif (http://www.communicationportals.com/portal/index.php/topic,15.0.html)


How Much Does A Communication Portal Cost? (http://www.cleaningdesign.com/customerarea/pricing.html)
Communication Portals are $250 and there are several Free add-ons http://www.cleaningportals.com/images/more-info.gif (http://www.cleaningportals.com/pricing.html)


Where Are The Screenshots? (http://www.cleaningdesign.com/customerarea/screenshots.html)
Screenshots can be seen here (http://www.cleaningdesign.com/customerarea/screenshots.html)


Is it customary to have my portal linked from my cleaning business website? (http://www.communicationportals.com/portal/index.php/topic,22.0.html)
That is a matter of personal choice.
Many of our clients have portals that are unknown to anyone besides their staff and clients while others highlight them in their marketing, offer a login on their homepage and have the RSS fed to their other web pages.
We also offer the option to have the portal behind a second layer of password protection so that it is not visible to site visitors and does not show up in the search engines. http://www.cleaningportals.com/images/more-info.gif (http://www.communicationportals.com/portal/index.php/topic,22.0.html)

......................MORE FAQ's at CleaningPortals.com (http://www.cleaningportals.com/faq.html)